Containerconf Kubernetes Edition
K8s EcoSystem
- K3sOS Updating the OS through Rancher, Going a step further, we have been pursuing efforts with K3s, K3OS, and our System Update Controller that we think could allow us to even manage the underlying cluster and operating system using Kubernetes resources.
- Rancher Fleet: Managing millions of clusters and handling Security
- Draughtsman, deploy services to K8s Clusters,
Public Cloud or Kubernetes - Eberhard Wolf
- Kubernetes Finally the unversal abstraction
- More competition and cost saving
Public Cloud teurer?
- Ein Entwickler 2 Tage geblockt wegen Firewall Problemen
- Am WE in der Public Cloud hochgezogen
Public Cloud unsicher?
- Firewalls on Amazon build in,
- Implemented on the network level
- Easy to configure
- rechenzentrum more security freatures
- Physical access clearly defined
- PCI, BSI C5 Compliance
Nicht abbildbar im “onpremise” Rechenzentrum
Cloud = Components
- Databases included with Backup and desaster recovery
The advantage of the cloud are it’s components! And not the costs!
Monitoring in Kubernetes with Prometheus and Grafana - Bastian Hofman
Custom Resource Definitions for Prometheus Operator
- Workload Management
- Prometheus
- Alertmanager
- Prometheus Configuration
- Service Monitor
- PodMonitore
- Prometheus Operator deployed ein Sicecar container der die Grafana ConfigMap polled und Grafana das dashboard aktualisiert
MySQL Operator Helm Chart
- Erstellt auch gleich einen mysql exporter
- Use Operator when possible!
- Use Loki for Logmanagement, deutlich Ressourcen schonender
- Bitname “Sealed Secrets” sicheres verwalten von Secrets, leichtgewichtiges Vault
- Longhorn ganz interessante Storage Solution
- Github Deployment with Kubernetes
- Slides
- Rancher
- Rodeos Lernplattform im Webbrowser auf ein paar von uns bereitgestellten AWS VMs selbst nach Anleitung Rancher aufsetzt:
- Rancher Terraform Quickstart Skripte
- Rancher community gibt es auch Ansible Playbooks
Kuberntes Operatory - Marcel Müller
What problem do we want to solve!?
- Ops Lifecycle
- Day0
- Day1 Setup z.B. Helm
- Day2 Maintenance, Optimization
- Observe
- Analyze
- Act
Operators as Kubernetes native solution!
Kubernets Object
- Each object has a spec, status and Metadata
- spec is the desired state
- status is the current state
Custom Resource Definition (CRD)
Similiar to a Java Class Implementation
- Extension of K8s API
- Registered at runtime
- Added to K8s
- Let you store and retrieve structured data
- Allows validation and defaulting
Custom Resource (CR)
Similiar to an instance of a class
- Instance of a CRD
- Comes with Spec / Status / Metadata
- Supports interaction like other K8s objects
Controller Pattern
- Every resource in K8s which has an action has a controller
- A controller watches at least one K8s resource type
- e.g. Pod definition is checked by the pod controller which is trying to achieve the desired spec
Operator Definition
- Operator Pod watches CR outside of the master
- Operators act like controllers
- Operators are clients of the kubernetes API
Operator Workflow
Could nee multiple loops
- Observe - the desired state (spec) and status the current state
- Analyze
- Act - Change the status to current state
Operator Interaction
- Operator watch[list events
Operator Classes
- Packaging applications in easier to manage interfaces
- Managing infrastructure
- AWS-Operaotr
- Cluster-api operator (K8s manages K8s cluster => similiar to Rancher local Cluster)
Creates an operator template definition. Uses a simple reconcile function.
- Utilize Operators
- There are good and bad operators
- Understand basics before usiing operators extensively
- Operators are software projects
- Don’t underestimate the development effort
Kubernetes Security - Erkan Yanar
- Limit the RBAC admin role to namespace
- Networkpolicy (Flannel geht nicht ,a berCalico), prevent access from outside
- Podpriority classes => unwichtigworkload => the higher the number the more important
- spec - priorityClassName: unwichtigworkload
- Unwichtiger Workload wird removed und wichtiger workload gescheduled
- ResourceQuotas
- PodSecurity Policy
Lessons Learned
watch kubectl -n mynamespace get pods,deployments
General Link collection from Slack
- PXE Boot Tool
- Instalations Tool für Kubernetes Cluster
- CNI Performens Liste
- Kubernetes Bilderbuch
- Entwickler sollten niemals Kindern Programmiren beibringen
- Istio Ãœbergabe von Google
- Sicherheit in Internationalen Daten Verkehr
- Privat Policy in Kubernetes
- Secure in YAML
- Sealed Secret
- Ranger Kubernet Cluster Verwaltung
- Prometheus/Grafana Code Beispiele
- Prometheus/Grafana Slides
- Kubernetes Test Cluster
- Kubernete Test Cluster für CI/CD
- Secure Einstelungen I
- Secure Einstelungen II
- Istio runtime Verbrauch
- Service Mash Benchmark
- Service Mash Performence Test